Color points by categoriesΒΆ

The pygmt.Figure.plot method can be used to plot symbols which are color-coded by categories.

points categorial


<IPython.core.display.Image object>

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pygmt

# Load sample iris data, and convert 'species' column to categorical dtype
df = pd.read_csv("")
df["species"] = df.species.astype(dtype="category")

# Use to get region bounds (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
# The below example will return a numpy array like [2.  4.4 4.3 7.9]
region =
    table=df[["sepal_width", "sepal_length"]],  # x and y columns
    per_column=True,  # report output as a numpy array

# Make our 2D categorial scatter plot, coloring each of the 3 species differently
fig = pygmt.Figure()

# Generate basemap of 10cm x 10cm size
    frame=['xafg+l"Sepal Width"', 'yafg+l"Sepal Length"', "WSen"],

# Define colormap to use for three categories
pygmt.makecpt(cmap="inferno", color_model="+c", series=(0, 3, 1))

    x=df.sepal_width,  # Use one feature as x data input
    y=df.sepal_length,  # Use another feature as y data input
    / df.petal_length,  # Vary each symbol size according to the ratio of the two remaining features,  # Points colored by categorical number code
    cmap=True,  # Use colormap created by makecpt
    no_clip=True,  # Do not clip symbols that fall exactly on the map bounds
    style="cc",  # Use circles as symbols with size in centimeter units
    transparency=40,  # Set transparency level for all symbols to deal with overplotting

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 1.835 seconds)

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